See Citizens' complaints from several states filed over wrongdoing by private individuals and
public servants as well. In all of these instances NO comment was ever uttered as to such a complaint
being improper or disallowed: DVD+R of 5 hrs and CD-ROM workstation! On 4/8/05 a hearing over a Citizens'
complaint was held when a judge was named as a defendant by David Myrland for misconduct at a small claims
trial he presided over. (See King County Courthouse, Seattle Division of District Court, 516 Third Ave.,
Seattle, WA 98104-3273, Rootvik v. Nault, #CR-Y-4-SD-1004 - Petition for hearing - Citizen's criminal complaint in
WORD ). When you're familiar with your state's criminal code there's no telling what crime you'll catch a public
servant in the middle of.
Advanced. |
Writing Citizens' Criminal Complaints - $175 *Remember Please: Plus $5 S&H with each order. |